Message from Dr Wayne Visser
Could you benefit from 30+ years working at the forefront of sustainability? Over my career, I have been helped by timely guidance from those whose opinions I respect. Therefore, in 2024 I have resolved to offer a limited number of one-on-one paid coaching sessions to help others on their impact journey. Is that what you need right now?
- Perhaps you are trying to get a job in sustainability, or you are considering further studies.
- Are you curious about the difference between the sustainability or ESG and thriving or regeneration agendas?
- You might be thinking of writing a book or making a documentary film.
- Are you wondering about a career in corporate, consulting or academia?
- Or maybe you want to become a more effective change agent in your current role or organisation.
- Do you need to integrate sustainability into your company, or develop a business case for sustainability?
Who Is Your Coach?
What do I bring to coaching sessions? In a word: experience.
- I’ve been listed as one of the world’s top 10 ESG speakers and a top 100 influencer on CSR and sustainable business, and top 100 thought-leader in trustworthy business.
- I’ve delivered over 570 keynote speeches, lectures, workshops and courses.
- My work has taken me to over 70 countries, working with over 230 clients, many of them top global brands.
- I’ve been a company director of sustainability services and vice president of sustainability.
- I’ve served on numerous advisory boards, and set up and run my own organisations.
- I’ve held faculty positions at some of the top universities in the world, and I’ve guided more than 15,000 people through executive education on sustainability.
- I’ve written 44 books, including an Amazon bestseller in 18 countries (Thriving) and I’ve made an award winning documentary film.
The Coaching Process
I see coaching as offering a sounding board for those who are striving to increase their positive impact. Rather than offering consultancy, as a coach I see my role as helping you to further clarify your focus and impact approach. So I am effectively a sounding board for your ideas, as much as sharing my experience and any guidance that might seem relevant.
The package I offer is 3 x 60 minute unscripted online (typically Zoom) conversations, usually a week apart. I have my own structure and guiding questions and frameworks for these sessions, but it is always flexible according to your needs.
To give you some idea:
- Session 1 we start with Who & Where You Are
- Session 2 we look at Why & Where You Are Going
- Session 3 we explore How & When To Get There
There is a flat fee for the three sessions of £500 (plus VAT if you are UK based) paid in advance. Sessions typically take place between 15.00-17.00 UK time (with some flex according to your needs).
If that’s you, and you would like to tap into my experience and ideas, send me a message on why you believe you could benefit from a minimum of three paid coaching conversations. If it looks like a good fit, I will share more information about what I am offering.