Dr Wayne Visser is the author of 41 books, including non-fiction works like Thriving, The World Guide to Sustainable Enterprise, Sustainable Frontiers, CSR 2.0 and The Age of Responsibility and poetry collections like Life in Transit, Seize the Day and I Am An African. See a full list with descriptions and links to buy below.
New Book! Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and the Economy – Order today

Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and the Economy

An innovation agenda for turning our biggest global societal challenges into opportunities to thrive. The future will be better than you think. Thriving shows how innovation can regenerate nature, society, and the economy by taking us from degradation to restoration of ecosystems, from depletion to renewal of resources, from disparity to responsibility in communities, from disease to revitalization of health, from disconnection to rewiring through technology, and from disruption to resilience of infrastructure and institutions. Whether you’re a progressive leader, a professional in the sustainability field, or someone who simply wants to be better informed about ways to take positive action, this thorough guide is for you. What others say about the book | Pre-order today.
Purpose Inspired: Reflections on Conscious Living – Volume 4

This is the fourth volume of Purpose Inspired, a collection of daily reflections written on conscious living and how that applies to business and everyday life. Each is a 100 word micro-essay on a different topic. Some are full of facts and figures; others are more philosophical and poetic. But they have a common theme, which is how we can change ourselves and the world for a better, brighter future. In this fourth volume, you can read about everything from art, afforestation, aviation, agriculture, ambition and aquaponics, to waves, watermarks, wildlife, wind and writedowns. Every page is a new discovery. Buy the paper book.
Purpose Inspired: Reflections on Conscious Living – Volume 3

This is the third volume of Purpose Inspired, a collection of daily reflections written on conscious living and how that applies to business and everyday life. Each is a 100 word micro-essay on a different topic. Some are full of facts and figures; others are more philosophical and poetic. But they have a common theme, which is how we can change ourselves and the world for a better, brighter future. In this third volume, you can read about everything from carbon to curves, ants to Amabie, choice to cherries. You can learn about pandemics and Prometheus, bacteria and bioprinting, shactivism and synergetics. You can be inspired by music and mystery, fringes and faith, pollinators and possibilists. Every page is a new discovery. Buy the paper book.
Purpose Inspired: Reflections on Conscious Living – Volume 2

This is the second volume of Purpose Inspired, a collection of daily reflections written on conscious living and how that applies to business and everyday life. Each is a 100 word micro-essay on a different topic. Some are full of facts and figures; others are more philosophical and poetic. But they have a common theme, which is how we can change ourselves and the world for a better, brighter future. In this second volume, you can read about everything from climate to convergence, patterns to pandemonium, books to bubbles. You can learn about biofabrication and trashbots, volcanoes and juvenocracy, rewilding and offsets. You can be inspired by totems and puzzling, fewtrils and saviours, bathtubs and ecophoria. Every page is a new discovery. Buy the paper book.
Purpose Inspired: Reflections on Conscious Living – Volume 1

Purpose Inspired is a collection of daily reflections written on conscious living and how that applies to business and everyday life. Each is a 100 word micro-essay on a different topic. Some are full of facts and figures; others are more philosophical and poetic. But they have a common theme, which is how we can change ourselves and the world for a better, brighter future. In this first volume, you can read about everything from myths to moonshots, flocking to friendscapes, poetry to purpose. You can learn about pioneers and naturapy, biophilia and sufficiency, motives and vegans. You can be inspired by hope and parables, superheroes and sponges, cathedrals and combislands. Every page is a new discovery. Buy the paper book.
The Little Book of Quotations on Transformational Change

This unique collection of 100 quotations on transformational change by Dr Wayne Visser is designed to challenge and question, as much as to inspire and inform. The quotes – taken from the extensive writings of Dr Visser – range from the science and dynamics of complex systems change to the role of business, technology and innovation in creating positive impact in the world. The key message is that change is an iceberg, with the deepest, invisible layers – our values, worldviews and mindsets, holding the most promise for profound transformational change. Buy the paper book.
The Little Book of Quotations on Sustainable Business

This unique collection of 100 quotations on sustainable business by Dr Wayne Visser is designed to challenge and question, as much as to inspire and inform. The quotes – taken from the extensive writings of Dr Visser – range from the role of business in tackling our global sustainability challenges to why our efforts on sustainability have so far failed to make a meaningful difference. The key message is that, for sustainability to be achieved, we need to change the way we perceive business: its purpose, its methods and its impacts. Buy the paper book.
The Little Book of Quotations on Social Responsibility

This unique collection of 100 quotations on social responsibility by Dr Wayne Visser is designed to challenge and question, as much as to inspire and inform. The quotes – taken from the extensive writings of Dr Visser – range from the role of business in society and companies’ accountability to stakeholders, to the importance of social justice and the need for transformative – rather than defensive, charitable, promotional or strategic – CSR. The key message is that, for business to survive and thrive in an age of responsibility, it must embrace an ambitious social purpose. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
The World Guide to Sustainable Enterprise: Volume 1 (Africa & Middle East)

The World Guide to Sustainable Enterprise is the first comprehensive global compendium that clearly describes the national approaches to sustainable enterprise. Volume 1 covers 28 countries and two sub-regional profiles (Middle East & North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa). Through a systematic review of each country, this quick-to-access reference guide showcases the similarities and differences in each region. Every country profile includes key information about the relevant history, country-specific issues, trends, research, and the leading organizations operating in the field as well as best-practice case studies. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
The World Guide to Sustainable Enterprise: Volume 2 (Asia Pacific)

The World Guide to Sustainable Enterprise is the first comprehensive global compendium that clearly describes the national approaches to sustainable enterprise. Volume 2 covers 22 countries and two sub-regional profiles (Central, East & South Asia and South-East Asia & Oceania). Through a systematic review of each country, this quick-to-access reference guide showcases the similarities and differences in each region. Every country profile includes key information about the relevant history, country-specific issues, trends, research, and the leading organizations operating in the field as well as best-practice case studies. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
The World Guide to Sustainable Enterprise: Volume 3 (Europe)

The World Guide to Sustainable Enterprise is the first comprehensive global compendium that clearly describes the national approaches to sustainable enterprise. Volume 3 covers 33 countries and two sub-regional profiles (Eastern & Southern Europe and Northern & Western Europe). Through a systematic review of each country, this quick-to-access reference guide showcases the similarities and differences in each region. Every country profile includes key information about the relevant history, country-specific issues, trends, research, and the leading organizations operating in the field as well as best-practice case studies. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
The World Guide to Sustainable Enterprise: Volume 4 (Americas)

The World Guide to Sustainable Enterprise is the first comprehensive global compendium that clearly describes the national approaches to sustainable enterprise. Volume 4 covers 19 countries and two sub-regional profiles (Northern & Central America and South America). Through a systematic review of each country, this quick-to-access reference guide showcases the similarities and differences in each region. Every country profile includes key information about the relevant history, country-specific issues, trends, research, and the leading organizations operating in the field as well as best-practice case studies. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
Sustainable Frontiers: Unlocking Change through Business, Leadership and Innovation

Sustainable Frontiers throws down the gauntlet to business to step up and be the catalyst for a sustainable future. It presents eight keys to unlocking transformational change – through leadership, enterprise, innovation, transparency, engagement, responsibility, integration and future-fitness. Far from being another tame review of corporate social responsibility and sustainable business initiatives, the book dispels the myths of sustainability and challenges us to let go of old systems that are failing to deliver economic, social and environmental transformation. Buy the book / Buy the e-book.
This is Tomorrow: Artists for a Sustainable Future

“The universe is made of stories, not atoms” (Muriel Rukeyser). We believe the future needs to be re-imagined. This Is Tomorrow depicts the responsible challenges of the 21st century through the words and artworks of a broad spectrum of artists (including graphic artists, filmmakers, singers, dancers and sculptors) from around the world. With art, we can articulate a positive narrative for change. Re-imagining the future one story and one artist at a time. Buy the e-book.
The CSR International Research Compendium: Volume 1 (Governance)

In this Compendium, CSR International has compiled summaries of the best research on corporate sustainability, social responsibility and business ethics since 2009. Volume 1 on Governance profiles over 450 research publications between 2009 and 2014 – including practitioner reports, market surveys and academic papers – from over 300 authors and more 250 organisations. Specifically, it contains research abstracts on the following governance-related topic areas: accountability, transparency, ethical behaviour, responsible investment, stakeholder interests, and fair operating practices. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
The CSR International Research Compendium: Volume 2 (Environment)

In this Compendium, CSR International has compiled summaries of the best research on corporate sustainability, social responsibility and business ethics since 2009. Volume 2 on Environment profiles over 500 research publications between 2009 and 2014 – including practitioner reports, market surveys and academic papers – from over 80 authors and more 400 organisations. Specifically, it contains research abstracts on the following environment-related topic areas: sustainable development and the green economy, sustainability practices, sustainable resource use, prevention of pollution, climate change, protection of the environment and biodiversity, and sectoral approaches. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
The CSR International Research Compendium: Volume 3 (Society)

In this Compendium, CSR International has compiled summaries of the best research on corporate sustainability, social responsibility and business ethics since 2009. Volume 3 on Society profiles over 400 research publications between 2009 and 2014 – including practitioner reports, market surveys and academic papers – from over 180 authors and more 280 organisations. Specifically, it contains research abstracts on the following society-related topic areas: human rights, labour practices, consumer-oriented CSR communication, consumer social and environmental responsibility, and community involvement and contribution community development. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
Disrupting the Future: Great Ideas for Creating a Much Better World

In 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next 40 Years ,Jorgen Randers draws on his own experience in the sustainability area, global forecasting tools, and the predictions – included in the book as ‘Glimpses’ – of more than thirty thought leaders to guide us through the future he feels is most likely to emerge towards the middle of the century. At a meeting of 25 of the ‘Glimpse’ authors in Cambridge in October 2013, each participant was invited to present a ‘great idea’ (or thought, or development or fact) that they believed could improve on world developments over the next forty years. This book is the result of this process and is a remarkable collection of ideas and proposals by a diverse set of thought-leaders, each of which has responded in their own creative way to Jorgen Randers’ concluding challenge in 2052: ‘Please help me make my forecast wrong. Together we could create a much better world.’ Buy the book / Buy the e-book.
CSR 2.0: Transforming Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility

The book examines the evolution and current state of corporate social responsibility (CSR), using a five-stage maturity model: defensive, charitable, promotional, strategic (all CSR 1.0) and transformative CSR (CSR 2.0). Reasons are given why CSR 1.0 approaches have failed to have any significant impact on the most serious global social, environmental and ethical challenges. The emergent CSR 2.0 is explored in detail by elaborating on five principles underlying the new approach, including: creativity, scalability, responsiveness, glocality and circularity. A four-part DNA Model is also introduced, covering value creation, good governance, societal contribution and ecological integrity, which provides the basis for defining and measuring CSR 2.0. Finally, a 70-question CSR 2.0 self-assessment diagnostic tool developed by the author is presented, with sample data to show how the tool can be used for future research and practitioner application. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
The Quest for Sustainable Business: An Epic Journey in Search of Corporate Responsibility

In 2010, Dr Wayne Visser set off on a 20-country “quest” to talk to entrepreneurs, business leaders and innovators and learn about how companies in all parts of the world can and are helping to tackle the world’s most pressing social and environmental problems. The result is this treasure trove of a book, full of stories, ideas, extracts from more than 100 interviews, best practices and tools for making sustainable business work in a myriad of different contexts, cultures and settings. Besides sharing insights from his 2010 “CSR Quest World Tour”, the author captures his professional experiences and the evolution of sustainable business over the past 20 years. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
Corporate Sustainability & Responsibility: An Introductory Text on CSR Theory & Practice – Past, Present & Future

Here is a comprehensive textbook that introduces students and practitioners to corporate sustainability & responsibility (CSR) theory and practice, looking at the past, present and future. The text includes 25 case studies and over 60 sets of discussion questions (nearly 200 questions), which allow teachers, students and practitioners to reflect on the presented content and to discuss, debate and dig deeper into the issues. The text itself is written in a highly readable style, without sacrificing academic rigour (there are over 200 references cited). The result is an inexpensive, accessible and searchable introduction to a management discipline that has become critical to the future of business, written by one of the world’s leading authorities on the subject. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
The Age of Responsibility: CSR 2.0 and the New DNA of Business

Traditional corporate social responsibility (CSR) approaches have failed, leaving business stuck in the Ages of Greed, Philanthropy, Marketing and Management. Using Web 2.0 as a metaphor, Visser shows how business needs to radically transform if we are to ever reach a true Age of Responsibility. The required systemic approach is dubbed CSR 2.0 and characterised by five key principles: creativity, scalability, responsiveness, glocality and circularity. Citing more than 300 cases to illustrate ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’, the book describes how the new DNA of business is fast being decoded in the areas of value creation, good governance, societal contribution and environmental integrity. Having set out a compelling vision of the future, Visser describes how to get there by exploring change at the societal, organisational and individual level. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
The World Guide to CSR: A Country by Country Analysis of Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility

This is the first book to provide comparable national profiles that describe the evolution and practice of Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility (CSR) for 58 countries and 5 global regions. Each regional and national profile includes key information about the relevant CSR history, country-specific issues, trends, research and leading organisations. The purpose of the book is to give CSR and sustainability professionals a quick reference guide to CSR in different regional and national contexts. The book is an edited volume, with expert contributors from around the world. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
The Top 50 Sustainability Books

This unique title draws together some of the best thinking to date on the pressing social and environmental challenges we face as a society. These are the Top 50 Sustainability Books as voted for by the University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership’s alumni network of over 3,000 senior leaders from around the world. In addition to profiles of all 50 titles, many of the authors share their most recent reflections on the state of the world and the ongoing attempts by business, government and civil society to create a more sustainable future. Many of these authors have become household names in the environmental, social and economic justice movements, while others are relatively undiscovered gems, whose work should be much more widely known. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
Landmarks for Sustainability: Events and Initiatives that Changed Our World

Landmarks for Sustainability is a high-impact, quick-reference guide to many of the most critical events and initiatives that have shaped our world, and the sustainable development agenda, over the past 20 years and more. By shining a spotlight on these landmark events and initiatives, the book draws into sharp relief the most significant social and environmental challenges of our time – from climate change and the state of the planet to poverty and corruption. Equally importantly, however, more than half of the book is dedicated to constructive global responses, such as the boom in clean technology, the role of the World Economic and World Social Forums, and the growth of ISO 14001 and SA8000 standards. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
Making A Difference: Purpose-Inspired Leadership for Corporate Sustainability & Responsibility

In the face of unprecedented global challenges like poverty and climate change, can individuals make a difference? This scholarly book reveals what motivates people to devote their time and energies to addressing social, environmental and ethical issues. Based on in-depth academic research among corporate sustainability and responsibility (CSR) professionals, it shows the pivotal role of values, inspiration, expertise, empowerment, strategic thinking and social contribution among “purpose-inspired leaders”. Using extensive illustrative quotations, different types of CSR change agents are identified, including experts, facilitators, catalysts and activists. The implications for business of better understanding these CSR leaders is explored, as well as the opportunities for future academic research. The book concludes with a call to personal action by making a positive difference and leaving a meaningful legacy. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.